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B there or B square

Hello Sabres! Welcome to the page that will keep you updated with the latest Sabre events. We'll tell you about the event and give you tips on what to do and wear! So if you're ever looking for a fun event to attend or curious to know what's going on, "B" there or "B" square is the page to check out! From all of us here we wish you a fun and eventful year. Until then!

Your fellow Sabres, Isa Codinach Bri Perez Mel Planas Steph Rojas

Are you Sabres ready for September 18? Introducing to you the first annual Sabre Roundup. This year were gonna square dance the night away and round up in our country attire. For only 10 dollars join us from 8pm to 12pm, with up to 2 guest. Tickets can be purchased from a student council member, or during lunch. So are you gonna B" there or "B" square? Here are some fun ideas on how to fit in at the Sabre Roundup!

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